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Writer's pictureAndi Smith

Welcome to the British Cave Science Centre!

Since 2017 we have been working hard to develop a UK site dedicated to the development and promotion of cave science. The aim was simple, to allow as many people as possible to get involved in cave science in a safe, open access environment. We hope the new Centre will promote cave science in the UK, allow students to work underground safely and help develop international partners and collaborations.

In 2018 we teamed up with Gemini data loggers (TinyTag) who kindly sponsored the project, equipping the cave site with their latest state of the art meh data loggers. the cave is now up and running and at the end of 2019 we have over a years worth of temperature, rainfall, humidity, drip rate and pressure data from the cave.

Excitingly we have also started to have our first users in the cave. During 2019 we have had 4 undergraduates (Lancaster and Durham Universities) working in the cave looking at the impacts of tourism, logger calibrations and the chemistry of stalagmites growing in the cave. Alongside these projects we have international collaborators from the Czech Academy of Sciences and a number of developers of new equipment for climate monitoring.

We cant wait for more projects in 2020 and with the development of the web page we can keep you updated on our progress.

If you want to get involved please contact us as we are always available to help keen scientists develop new projects!

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